Next year, we will be exploring how a tiny organization like the Carter Center can work together with the nation of China to deal with humanitarian, primarily health, problems in Africa. “明年,我们将研究象卡特中心这样一个小小机构如何能与中国这样一个国家合作来处理非洲的人道主义,主要是保健问题”。
Because an IT organization is traditionally a cost center, and not a profit center, it is very difficult to discuss the development of software in terms of profitability. 因为一个IT机构在传统上是成本中心,因此很难讨论development在利润上的软件开发。
By comparison, there were 43 executions in the U.S. in 2011, according to Washington nonprofit organization Death Penalty Information Center. 相比之下,根据华盛顿的非营利组织死刑信息中心(DeathPenaltyInformationCenter)的数据,2011年美国仅有43人被执行死刑。
As a knowledge-based organization, the R& D center consistently gives priority to quality, personal employee growth, and knowledge management ( KM). 作为一个知识型的组织,研发中心始终把质量、员工发展和知识管理作为工作重点。
This 2-day seminar is jointly organized by the World Trade Organization Shanghai Research Center and Shanghai External Services Company, Ltd. 此次为期两天的研讨会,由世界贸易组织上海研究中心与上海市对外服务有限公司联合举办。
Management personnel have strong sense of responsibility and the organization and management capability, the center's organization, management and operation work can be carried out excellently. 管理人员具有较强的责任心和组织、管理能力,完全胜任实验中心的组织、管理及运行工作。
A.World Health Organization Center for Health Development, Kobe, Japan. 日本神户世界卫生组织卫生发展中心。
And ACLS has the humanities organization, was front and center in the cultural wars. 而ACLS有人文组织,是文化论战的前沿阵地。
Today, we went to the Labor Technology school organization activities of the Center. 今天,学校组织我们去劳技中心活动。
Organization Structure Design in Learning Center of Modern Distance Education 现代远程教育学习中心组织结构设计
Study on Organization Behavior of National Engineering Research Center in Transformation 国家工程研究中心转制的组织行为学研究
Research on the Optimization and Evaluation Method of Traffic Organization and Management in Urban Center 城市中心区交通组织管理优化与评价研究
This paper expounds library's individualized information resources organization, introduces the knowledge center position of library's individualized website in the campus network and its features, and puts forward the constructing mode of library's individualized website. 概述了图书馆个性化信息资源组织,介绍了图书馆个性化网站在校园网中的知识核心位置及其特征,提出了图书馆个性化网站的构建模式。
Research on Current Situation and Management Running Mechanism of Sports Organization and Cultural Recreational Center of National Level Poor Countries in Northwest Region of China 西北地区国家级贫困县县、乡体育组织、文化活动站现状调查与分析中国国际建筑艺术实践展休闲娱乐中心
In the innovative system of our country, the institute of higher education, as a scientific and technological organization and the center of higher education, is one of the three mainstays, and plays a critical role that can not be neglected. 在国家创新系统中,高校作为科技型组织和教育中心,是国家创新系统的三大主体之一,在科技创新中起着不可忽视的作用。
He corrected the wrong trend of youth creed in Shanxi Gansu-Ningxia Border Region in time, and solved properly the relation of youth organization with the center working of CPC, and made youth movement on the right orbit. 他及时纠正陕甘宁边区出现的青年主义错误偏向,妥善解决了青年组织与党的中心工作的关系,使青年运动走上正确的轨道;
The Motion of Organization Center of Scroll Waves in Excitable Media with Single Diffusion 在激发介质中单扩散回卷波组织中心的运动
The youth volunteer's activities in china have last over ten years since 1993 under the advocating and organization of the center department of the Communist Youth League. 在共青团中央的倡导组织下,发韧于1993年的中国青年志愿者行动已历经十余载。
In order to help reader to understand resources and environmental science data in China, this paper focused on describing establishment process, establishment background, organization of Data Center for Resources and Environmental Sciences of Chinese Academy of Sciences. 本文描述了中科院资源环境科学数据中心的建设情况,有助于读者对中国资源环境科学数据的发展增加认识和了解。
It puts forward three types of organization forms that are center for education market development, department of education market and education market project group. 提出了设立教育市场专业机构的3种组织形式,即教育市场发展中心、教育市场部、教育市场项目组。
The quartz diorite-porphyrite body is subjected to volcano organization center which is around the crossing point of the east-west fracture ( zone) and the south-north fracture, equidistant in transverse direction, and it is the important tectonic condition of mineralization in this area. 石英闪长玢岩体受东西向断裂(带)与近南北向断裂交汇部位火山机构中心控制,横向上具有等间距分布规律,构成本区控矿重要的构造条件。
Structure of Wave Front and Organization Center in Excitable Media 激发介质波前曲面和组织中心的结构
Some suggestions should be assumed in order to pursue cooperative digital reference service in our country: setting up cooperative organization by the center of large library; 我国推行合作数字参考咨询服务应采取以下措施:建立以大型图书馆为中心的合作组织;
Detective drama with a fascinating story, content organization clarity, clear center, which thanks to its main line runs through the plot focused on the idea of skills. 公案戏有着引人入胜的故事情节,内容组织条理清晰,中心明确,这得力于它主线贯穿、情节集中的构思技巧。
With the fast development of modern information technology such as computer and net, the traditional information management mechanism can not meet the need of new situation, and university, as an organization whose center is research and education, is inevitably impacted by the information wave. 随着计算机、网络等现代信息技术的飞速发展,传统的信息管理体制和机制已不能适应新形式的需求,高等院校作为以科研和教学为主体的组织机构也不可避免的受到信息浪潮的冲击。
So in the context of combing the characters of the cooperative and the financial organization, the writer suggests founding a cooperative financial organization to center around the right of rural land contracted-management. 因此,建议将合作社的合作制特点与金融机构的融资特点结合起来,建立以土地承包经营权为中心的合作金融制度。
Based on promoting educational resource share ideas and combining whit the characteristics of education and knowledge practical, we raise a new resource organization forms center with project. 在汲取学习对象、学习活动技术促进教育资源共享理念的基础上,结合职业教育知识实践性特点提出了以项目为中心的新的资源组织形式。
This paper argues that the center of the Architecture space organization& the center space of Architecture, not only has higher design potential, but plays an important part in organizing the other space as well. 本文通过对建筑空间发展历史以及中心空间属性的研究,认为建筑空间组织的中心&建筑的中心空间,既具有较高的设计潜力,同时又是其他建筑空间单元的重要组织者和粘合剂。
First, this paper introduces the basic situation of technical staff working in Zhuzhou broadcasters, including the organization structure of technology center, the current pay system and the processes of paying technical staff. 本文首先介绍了株洲广播电视台技术中心员工薪酬体系的基本情况,包括技术中心的组织结构、现行的薪酬体系以及技术中心员工工资发放办法及流程。
Then elaborated the sales center interior design spatial organization relationship, and the sales center interior design of the main function region. 然后阐述了售楼中心的室内设计空间组织关系,和售楼中心室内设计的主要功能区域。